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My name is Alex Novo,
I’m a photographer.

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light and color, which opens up our minds and expresses passion.

My style is a combination between photojournalism and fine-art photography with a touch of fashion and creative lighting. My photos are inspired by light, color, techniques from black & white processing, vintage photos, creative perspective, and of course, most importantly, the personalities of the people I photograph!

My Skills


The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.


The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.


The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.


The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

Why Choose Me?

light composure

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

Professional skills

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

Perfect Equipment

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

ultra hd

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

unic vision

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

focusing knowledges

The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light.

Latest News

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